Click on picture for a larger version
- All 70's Reunion - 2010
- Allan Polley '77, wife - Peggy, Beth Morrison '79
- Allan Polley '77, wife-Peggy, Debbie Flores '77
- Arty and Band - All 70's Reunion - 2010
- Becky Mallady '75, Marianne Harris & Nancy Walker '74
- Bob Craig'73,Steve Lamebull '75, Mike Carter '73, Meeka Siefring '74
- Carol King '75 & Loren Martin '71
- Carol Orozco '73 & husband Mark Wiedeburg
- Carol Orozco '73 & Lori Wike '72
- Cheryl Wentz - '75
- Cindy Williams '79 & husband Greg Bachmeier
- Cindy Williams '79 & husband Greg Bachmeier
- Class of 1971 - Gary Kraft, Nancy Kinney, Herb Veals, Nancy Erickson, Carlos Leon, Greg Coles, Loren Martin
- Class of 1972 - Glenn Kern, Lori Wike
- Class of 1973 - Dave Beltran, Manuel Aguirre, Rick Faucher, Mike Carter, Carol Orozco, Yvonne Stobaugh
- Class of 1974 (double click on picture to bring up names)
- Class of 1975 - (double click on pic to bring up list of names)
- Class of 1976 (double click on picture to bring up list of names)
- Class of 1977 (double click on picture to bring up list of names)
- Class of 1977 - All 70's Reunion - 2010
- Class of 1977 - All 70's Reunion - 2010
- Class of 1977 - All 70's Reunion - 2010
- Class of 1977 - All 70's Reunion - 2010
- Class of 1977 - All 70's Reunion - 2010
- Class of 1977 - All 70's Reunion - 2010
- Class of 1978 - All 70's Reunion - 2010
- Class of 1978 - All 70's Reunion - 2010
- Class of 1978 - All 70's Reunion - 2010
- Class of 1978.jpg
- Class of 1979.jpg
- Class of 77 - All 70's Reunion - 2010
- Class of 77 - All 70's Reunion - 2010
- Curtis Parrish '76
- Dan Wilson '78
- Darla Raymond '79
- Darla Raymond '79 & Chuck Brandt '78
- Darla Raymond '79, Dan Wilson '78, Scott Kramer '78
- David Kinney '74 & Steve Williams '78
- David Tobia '79
- Deanna Carl '75, Bobby Craig '73, Rick Faucher '73
- Debbie Flores '77 & Gary Kraft '71
- Debbie Flores '77 & husband Rick Lago - notice his Pee Chee t-shirt!
- Debbie Flores '77, Michelle Myers '77, Jerry Humphrey '76
- Debbie Flores '77, Michelle Myers '77, Jerry Humphrey '76
- Debbie Jo Delp '78 & husband Jerry Humphrey '76
- Display table
- Donna Rogers '75, Betty Wabaunsee '76
- Eddie Gonzales '79
- Eddie Gonzales '79
- Gary Kraft '71
- Gloria Campos, Sylvia Garza - both '75
- Golf Tourney Winners
- Greg Coles '71 & Joe Roybal '70
- group shot
- Jane Ortolf '77
- Jane Ortolf '77 & JoAnn Allen '79
- Janie Navarro, Gloria Campos, Sylvia Garza, Isabel Bedolla - all '75
- Joe Schumacker '74, Jane Ortolf '77
- John Gamble '75
- John Wingerter '74
- Julie Schumacher '77, Steve Williams '78, Jane Ortolf '77, Jeff Schumacker '78
- Kathi Myron & Kathy Brost - both '75
- Kathi Myron '75, Kathy Brost '75, Mike Carter '73
- Kathy Brost '75, Glenn Kern '72
- Kelvin Fraser ('75) and Jesse Tynan
- Kelvin Fraser ('75) and wife - Terril Fraser
- Linda Schneider '77
- Linda Thompson & Betty Wabaunsee - Class of 76
- Lois Thompson & Lynn Thompson - Class of 76
- Loren Martin '71 & Glenn Kern '72
- Lori Wike '72 & Nancy Erickson '71
- Lori Wike '72, Herb Veals '71, Linda Schneider '77, Carol Orozco '73
- Marianne Harris '74
- Marianne Harris '74 & Bobby Craig '73
- Marianne Harris '74, Curt Chandler '78, Julie Schmacher '77
- Marianne Harris, Nancy Walker, Teresa Halbert - all '74
- Mary Anne Fleming '78, Curtis Parrish '76, Kathy Brost '75
- Melody Cook '74, Tony Gulley
- Michelle Myers '77
- Michelle Myers, Debbie Flores, Allan Polley - all 1977
- Mike Carter '73
- Mike Sutton '78 & wife
- Mikey Frank '77
- Nancy Kinney '71 & Greg Coles '71
- Nancy Kinney '71 & Leah Knutsen
- Nancy Kinney '71 & Patty Kinney '76
- Nancy Kinney '71, Joannie, Patty Kinney '76
- Nancy Walker '74, Becky Mallady '75, Marianne Harris '74, Julie Schmacher '77
- Nancy Walker '74, Becky Mallady '75, Marianne Harris '74, Julie Schumacher '77
- Patty Kinney '76 & brother David Kinney '74
- Peggy Allen & Jane Ortolf - both '77
- Peggy Allen '77
- Peggy Allen '77, Bob Craig '73, Curtis Parrish '76, Rick Faucher '73, Steve Williams '78, Jane Ortolf '77, Mike Carter '73
- Randy Smith & Sharon Gonzales (Class of 76)
- Scott Kramer '78
- Sharon Gonzales '76
- Steve Lamebull '75
- Steve Williams '78 & wife Connie '82
- Summer 2010
- Susie Tynan, Vicki Love '79, Jess Tynan
- Top-Hi 70's Reunion program recap - June 2010 - Top-Hi classes 1970-1979
- Vicki Love '79 & Connie Williams '82