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Class of '75 Senior Pictures
151 photos
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'Walker's Wash' - State of Art Car Wash to open in Toppenish to open Nov 1, 2009. Randy Walker ('75) Gary Walker ('70)
15 Yr reunion - 1990
15 Yr reunion - 1990
1972-73 Soph pics
1973-74 Cheerleaders
1974-75 Sr. pics
1974-Jrs honored by Masons
1975 Cost of Living
20 Yr Reunion - 1995
2006 - A 30-Something Reunion
2006 - A 30-Something Reunion
2006 - A 30-Something Reunion
20th Reunion - Awards & Events
25 Yr Reunion - July 2000Back:Gunnier,Krebs,Hagerman,Allen,Lindsay,Wolfe,Rosenow,Beavers,Pruneda,Rogers,Olivas,Storey,Wa
25th reunion - 2000
31 Year Reunion - Aug 2006
3rd Grade - Lincoln School - Mrs. Thomas - 1965-66
5th Grade Outstanding Students (1968) - Paula Lott/Carmen Polley
7th gr boys basketball
8th gr football Defense - 1970
8th gr football Offense - 1970
A 30-Something Reunion - 2006
A 30-Something Reunion-2006
Awards Assembly
Barry/Glenna(Wolfe)Halvorson Anniversary (Barry'72-Glenna'75)
BBQ - July 2002
Beth (McGovern) Downs
Boys' State Reps
Brad Jones
Brad Jones & wife Aime
Bruce Aichele Obit - 1978
Buena Boy Scout Winners
Business Skills Competition winners
Candy (Murray) Odermott & Family-2006
Carloyn Aguirre's Family
Carmen (Polley) Wasson's kids- A.J. & Emily - Dec 2005
Carmen (Sanchez) Fernandez
Carmen (Sanchez) Fernandez & daughter
Carmen Polley w/daughter Emily-2006
Carmen Polley w/son A.J.-2006
Carolyn (Aguirre) , son- Derek, & SNAKE!
Carolyn (Aguirre) Morrison-Johnson
Caterwaul Catty Awards Part I
Caterwaul Catty Awards Part2
Cheryl Wentz
Cinda Henry Ainsworth obituary
Class of '74-'75-'76 Reunion - 2006 Partial group shot of 95 classmates attending
Class of '75 - Buena Elementary
Class of '75 - Garfield Elementary
Class of '75 - Kindergarten
Class of '75 - Lincoln Elementary - Kindergarten
Class of 74-75-76 Reunion - 2006A
Class of 75 - All 70's Reunion - June 2010 - Mt Adams CC
Class of 75-1st Gr - Garfield-Mr.Polley/Mrs. Spicer
Class of 75-2ndGr-Garfield-Mr.Polley/MsSchemmer
Class of 75A
Class of 75B
Class of 75C
Class of 75D
Class of 75E
Class of 75F
Class of 75G
Class of 75H
Connie (Walker) McCloud
Connie (Walker) McCloud & Alice (Gonzales) Koerner - 2005
Curtis Parrish '76 & Kathy (Brost) Miller '75
Dan Griffith and daughters
Dan Griffith and family
David Rodriguez Obituary - 1980
Debbie Johnson obit - March 2007
Dirk Dodson
Display table - All 70's Reunion - June 2010 - Mt. Adams CC
Doug Theodorsen Obituary - 2006
Doug Theodorsen Obituary - Class of 1975
Duck Hunters
FFA AWARDSClements-76, Gadley,Brown,Gamble all '75
Gary Duncan ('75) - Sept 2008 - DMGM Conf
Gary Walker ('70) and Randy Walker ('75) - Ceremonial 'first dig' for new car wash - Aug 2009
Gene Thompson obit - Sept 2006
Girls Jr. Olympics - May 1968
Girls Track
Golf Tourney winners - Scott Stobaugh '75 - All 70's Reunion - June 2010 - Mt Adams CC
Goober Pea Stomp band
Graduation program - inside
Graduation Program - outside
Gregory Allen Weishaar
Homecoming - Fall 1973 Scott Smith/Janice Anderson
Homecoming 1973Dinehart-74, Wolfe,Gonzales,Aguirre-all '75
Howard's OK Tires article - May 2009. Gary Walker ('70) and Randy Walker ('75)
Interesting Facts
Janice (Anderson) Hansen family - 2004
Janice (Humphrey) Holdreith
Janie Navarro - Pres. of Barrios Unidos (United Neighborhoods)
Jeff Lybbert 2005
Jeff Lybbert
Jeff Lybbert
Jeff Lybbert ('75) wedding pic - Aug 2008.
Jeff Lybbert - May 1981
Jeff Lybbert on Snip
Jess Gonzales obituary - 1999
Joe & Kay (Clements) Gutierrez - 30th Anniversary - 2006 - (Joe '75-Kay'74)
Joe Benavides obituary - 1985
Joe Gutierrez - 30th Anniversary - 2006
Joe Gutierrez Family - 1995 - 20 yr. reunion picnic
John Mutch & kids - Steph & Drew
John Olivas and family
Jolene Elwell - Class of 1975
Joy (Allen) and husband Mark Welch - 2005
Joy Allen 1975
Karen McFarland - 1966 Tohiscan
Kathi (Myron) Hoon with kids - 2004
Kathi (Myron)Hoon'75/Guy Hoon'72 - 2001
Kathy (Brost) Miller - Awarded Woman of the Year @ 2007 Ranch Party
Kathy (Brost) Miller - FEB 2007 article
Kathy (Brost) Miller -'75 and Sara (Parrish) Frederiksen - '94
Kathy Brost Miller - Class of 1975 - Former Toppenish Chamber of Commerce President - 2009
Kathy Brost Miller article June 2010 - Class of 1975
Kelly Rosenow ('75)-Toppenish Safety Director job change
Kelly Rosenow - Class of '75 - New Deputy Chief of Yakima Police Dept - Aug 2008
Kelly Rosenow grew up to become Toppenish's Public Safety Director. (c. 1966)
Kevin Jackson & Family
Kim Gibbins Bailey obituary
Letter to Editor by Scott Stobaugh ('75) re: naming of new football stadium - Coach Bob Winters
Lions Club-2006 - Rosenow, Martinen, Koerner
Margie Omlin Cronkhite
Margie Omlin Cronkhite
Margie Omlin Cronkhite
Mary Anne (Morrison)Barr Obit - 2000
Mason awards to Jrs
Maximum Blues 1974
Melia (Meyers) Delp & granddaughter
Melia Meyers daughters: Alicia & Stephanie
Miss Toppenish candidates
Miss Toppenish CourtAnderson,Myron,Henry,Gonzales
Mitch Venable Obit - 1990
Music Movies
Natl MeritScholarship finalists
Natl News
Neal Schlenker - 30 Year Wedding Anniversary
Ornan Fauth Obit-1977
Pam Abercrombie
Peter, Paul & Vik (Vicky Stump)- Sturgis, SD trip
Punt, Pass & Kick Winners - 1968- Beasley, Stobaugh, Diaz
Randy Maupin - 1972
Randy Walker - Aug 2009 - Ceremonial 1st dig on new car wash - 'Walker's Wash'
Randy Walker - Aug 2009 - Walker's Wash to be built - state of art car wash in Toppenish
Ron Bancroft Obit-1992
Roy Rebollosa Obituary - 2005
Scott Stobaugh '75 - wife, MaryAnne (Fleming) Stobaugh '78
Sergio Reyes Dzul - Class of 1975
Sports News
State Tourney reps
Steve & Deanna (Carl) Lamebull & family
Swing Choir
Tennis champs
Tim Andreas obit - 1994
Tim Beavers ('75) - with first grandchild - Meca
Tim Beavers and family
Tim Esparza Part 1
Tim Esparza Part 2
Tolo & Prom - 1975
Top 19 - Part B
Top 19 Seniors Part A
Top Gun Of Yakima Competition - Oct 2009
Top-Hi Wrestling Fundraiser to be held Nov 20, 2010 - 7 p.m.- many former wrestlers to be participating
Triumph 3401
TUMC Reunion Choir "Youth"-1998 - Kathi (Myron), Joy (Allen), Kathy (Dexter)'74, Kevin Barr'72 & John Vergin '73
Vicky Stump
Vicky Stump Family
Virgil Newman - 2006
Weldy Schademan (Class of '70) and Karen (Sandberg) Schademan (Class of '75)
World News