18 photos
Click on a picture for a larger version.
1985 Football
20 photos
1986 Football
6 photos
1987 Football
7 photos
1988 Football
9 photos
1990 Football
16 photos
1992 Football
20 photos
Bob Winters Field Dedication 2009
28 photos
- 1927 Football season recap - WORTH READING!
- 1927 TopHi Football team
- 1927- First year of Pep Club
- 1928 Girl's Basketball
- 1940 football
- 1940's Toppenish pennant
- 1942 Football - interesting uniforms and helmets!
- 1953 Football- includes Mr. Mirosh as coach & Mr. Shellenberger who was a senior in 1953 and later became a teacher and coac
- 1958 Basketball team
- 1962 Top-Hi Baseball - Coach Jack Bond
- 1963 Top-Hi Baseball - Coach Jack Bond
- 1964 Football Banquet at the Huba Huba Cafe. 41 Steaks & hundreds of milkshakes and cokes consumed!
- 1967 Basketball article from the Yakima Herald
- 1967-68 Sports Recap of highlights
- 1989 Football team - STATE CHAMPS!
- 1989 Football team reunionA - 2006
- 1989 Football team reunionB - 2006
- 1st Top-Hi Basketball Team - 1913
- 2008 Football
- 2nd Grade class, Garfield school, Toppenish. circa 1909?
- A.J. Strom gym to get new scoreboards - 2011
- Alumni Wrestling Match - Nov 2013
- Baseball, 1928
- basketball (1954)
- Championship Team
- Cheerleaders for 68-69. Class of 69: Jeanette Holwegner. Class of 70: Susan Ray, Liz Tobia
- Class of 1949 Kindergarten class taken in 1937 - Mrs. Page (teacher)- Ralph Bowles is in the back row 6th boy from R side. Note:
- Class of 1953 when they were in 7th grade. Picture taken by Mrs. Benz (teacher).
- Coach Myron presents Bucky Dale with his basketball letter and awards. Bucky was Capt. of the team.
- Fall 2005 CheerGroup
- Fall 2009 Homecoming Royalty
- Feb 1965 Basketball team article from the Yakima Herald
- Football Banquet - Nov 1964 - Class of 1965, 1966 and 1967
- Football, 1928
- Garfield School 2nd grade 1909?
- Girls State 1968
- May 1968 FFA - Member from Classes 1968 thru 1971. Hernandez,Kerby, Schaefer, Oord, Cheney, Sealock, Clements, Guess.
- Men's Basketball, 1928
- Middle School track jacket
- Mr. Toppenish Pageant - January 2010
- Mrs. Page's kindergarten class, 1957.
- New Top-Hi Football Stadium article - Sept 2008
- Sept 1964 - FFA boys with Clint Wiswall(Ag Teacher) and Hugh Barr (Assistant Superintendent)
- Spring 1968 - Picnic for Top-Hi athletes at Olney Park
- Tennis & Club recap - April 1968
- Tennis, 1928
- THS Drill Team
- THS Football Cheer '06
- THS Logo
- Top-Hi Alumni Wrestling Fundraiser - 2011
- Toppenish Track Shirt
- Toppenish vs Wapato football rivalry history - 99 years!
- Track - April 1968
- Treble Tones 1966-67
- Vintage Top-Hi football team picture
- Vintage Toppenish Rodeo picture
- Wildcat Football
- Wildcat Football 001
- Wildcat Football 003
- Wildcat Mascot - 2006
- Winter 2005 CheerGroup
- Women's Basketball, 1928
- Yearbook article